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LBM Dealer Service Area Averages 65-Mile Radius
The characteristics of a dealer’s service area directly impact their addressable market and branch revenue. Principia recently asked a national audience of over 700 building product dealers about the size of their service areas. On average, dealers reported a 65-mile radius around their location. Dealer service area size varied by population density, parent company footprint, … Continued

Principia Consulting Expands Syndicated Research Offerings for Windows Market

Has the Time Arrived for Smart Doors?

How the Pandemic Changed Deck Building

2020 Macroeconomic Indicators for the Construction Industry: Part 5

2020 Macroeconomic Indicators for the Construction Industry: Part 4

2020 Macroeconomic Indicators for the Construction Industry: Part 3

2020 Macroeconomic Indicators for the Construction Industry: Part 2