Data-Driven Insights: The Latest Lumberyard Dealer Sentiments Revealed
Principia’s monthly Lumberyard Sentiment Dashboard captures dealer input across the supply chain to identify key business trends. This month, we are analyzing three measures related to specific purchasing behaviors.

Materials for repair & remodel (R&R) projects are increasing as a share of total business compared to new construction.
When comparing all three sentiments to each other, this sentiment continues to garner greater agreement than the other sentiments. In addition, since reporting began in September 2024, the level of agreement is showing a rising trend.
Purchasing from 2-step wholesale distributors is easier and more efficient than purchasing direct from manufacturers.
The level of agreement for this sentiment has stayed somewhat flat during the reporting period. This stated, a majority of lumberyards are in agreement purchasing through 2-step is easier than purchasing direct.
We have lost business to big-box retailers (Home Depot, Lowe’s) in the past 12 months.
This sentiment shows less agreement than the prior two, though still substantial. The measure is consistent month over month, showing greater than a third of lumberyards agree they are losing business to big box.
Understanding how lumberyards feel about their business is an important step in helping product suppliers better serve and communicate with their customers.