Over the coming week, Principia will be publishing a series of infographics highlighting different macroeconomic indicators from 2020 relevant to the construction industry. Part 1 discussed retail sales at building material and garden equipment stores in the United States. Part 2 highlights residential building put-in-place spending for 2020.

New single family put-in-place spending was up 22% for December 2020 over 2019. Construction spend for new single family increased through the second half of the year, as the demand for new construction homes also increased. As shown in the chart above, new single family building and residential improvements (repair & remodeling) outperformed new multifamily.
The next infographic in the series will focus on single family housing starts.
Principia conducts a wide range of secondary research including macroeconomic data, such as home sales, put-in-place spending, and new residential construction starts. Principia updates macroeconomic data regularly and publishes the data for subscribers in an online, interactive dashboard format. Contact us today to learn more.