When homeowners replace their windows depends on why they are replacing them. Homeowners who chose to replace windows based on aesthetics did so almost 13 years earlier than homeowners who replaced for age-related reasons.
According to Principia’s latest survey of nearly 700 homeowners with recent window replacement projects, the average window age when replaced for aesthetic reasons was 9 years. In contrast, the average window age was 22 years when homeowners replaced for age-related reasons.
Repair and remodeling (R&R) accounts for over half of residential windows demand in the United States in 2020. Approximately 8 percent of homeowners surveyed cited aesthetics as their primary reason for replacement, accounting for roughly 3 million of the 34 million windows sold for R&R projects last year.

Principia expects R&R demand to outperform new construction through 2023. Understanding homeowner decision making and the reasons why windows are replaced can lead to effective marketing. Window suppliers should capitalize on the improved design features (e.g., styles, colors, functionality) and how these aesthetics create a beautiful view from inside and outside of the home. Tailored messaging about the visual impact that new windows can create may influence homeowners to upgrade or replace windows earlier than simply age-related reasons.
For more insight on homeowner buying behavior from Principia’s Voice of Customer survey findings, contact us today.